Warren County Wildlife

Blog by Jessica Lewis
Warren County has long been known as Ohio’s Largest Playground for its abundance of shopping, dining and entertainment options. But away from the hustle and bustle of its numerous man-made attractions, the quieter corners of this lively Southwest Ohio county hide some of its most amazing assets–wild animals. Incredible creatures of all shapes and sizes are just waiting to be discovered by adventurous visitors to Ohio’s Largest Playground–you just need to know where to look!
Caesar Creek State Park in Waynesville is 7,900 acres in size and offers approximately 100 miles of scenic trails that take curious hikers past waterfalls, natural rock gorges, and Caesar Creek Lake–a sprawling recreational lake perfect for swimming, boating, and more. Squirrels, deer, coyotes, cottontail rabbits, raccoons, possums, skunks, foxes, and numerous other species all frequent the area, and can often be observed up-close on any of the park’s seasonal guided nature hikes. Wildlife identification guides are also available on-site for more curious visitors aiming to seek out wildlife on their own.
Those hoping for even more up-close and personal encounters with Warren County wildlife can head to the Caesar Creek Nature Center, where several live animals native to the county–including turtles, salamanders, snakes, a Screech Owl, and a Red-Tailed Hawk–are on display. Free weekly wildlife programs, highlighting such subjects as local fishing and birds of prey, are also popular draws for visitors, as are the center’s two neighboring ponds, each stocked with a selection of native fish.
In addition to Caesar Creek State Park and its Nature Center, Fort Ancient Earthworks & Nature Preserve, Armco Park, Deerfield Park, Carmody Park, Gulley Park, Miller Ecological Park, Colonial Park, and Hisey Park–a favorite among birdwatchers eager to spot a few of the county’s estimated 54 bird species (a list which includes the Great Blue Heron, Purple Finch and Red-Shouldered Hawk among many others)–are also outstanding destinations for wildlife lovers. In fact, with more than 1,600 acres of land designated for parks and natural areas throughout Warren County, there’s more to explore than you could ever crunch into one trip.
With its abundance of native wildlife and visitor-friendly locations at which to view it, Warren County certainly is an outstanding destination for nature lovers. Be sure to explore the wilder side of Ohio’s Largest Playground sometime soon!